Will you follow me?

I am considering moving my blog to my domain at http://www.MarketMyShop.com I just want to know if you will follow me there when I have it all set up and ready to go? Of course I will be leaving this up as an archive but all new content will be on the website.

I will do everything I can to make the switch as easy and convenient for you as possible. At the moment it looks like the change over will happen on or around March 1st. anyhow, I just wanted to give you all the heads up.

I would also like to get a little info from you to help me better serve you. How do you read my blog? Is it though an email subscription? Are you using an RSS reader? Or do you actually come to the blog and read it? With over 400 subscribers and over 300 email subscribers it would be great for me to know!

Leave me a comment or send me an email to MarketMyShop@gmail.com I will keep you posted on when the move will be taking place. I really do hope you will follow me!

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