Etsy Checkout?

There hasn't been a huge fanfare or anything about Etsy Checkout. In fact someone told me about it and I had to look for it! The idea is simple, Etsy is going to provide their own credit card processing center for every shop on Etsy, much like PayPal does for, well, everyone on the planet.

It is unclear if it is in beta stage or no stage at all. I have yet to hear of anyone that has it yet. So, if you have it available to you please let me know. How do you find out? Go to Your Shop and click on Shipping and Payments on the left side of your screen. Go to the Payment Methods Tab and see if you can check the box next to the credit card logos. There is a message next to it if you don't have it yet. Clicking on that link will take you to a place to sign up for info about it.

I personally like the idea of having options for payments. I wish Etsy would add Amazon Payments. Unfortunately I am a single voice in a sea of chatter.

That is it for today. See you all tomorrow!

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