Tags For Etsy Items

I know I have talked about it before but I think it is worth revisiting. You have 13 tags for your Etsy items and you need to use them all. Not only that, you should change them often. It isn't type them then forget them. There are many reasons to change your tags on a regular basis. here are a few:

Seasonal Changes - You might not have thought about this much but seasons are searched on Etsy a lot! If you have an item that is usable all year long you are in luck because you can tag them with each season! Certain colors can be associated with seasons as well. Take gold for example. Gold can be the color of a spring flower, summer sunshine or the color of an autumn leaf. Get creative!

Trend Changes - Pink is the new Black! Trends change with the drop of a hat. That does not mean you have to drop your listing. Perhaps it is time to describe your item in a new trendy way.

The News Changes Everything - Yes, watch the news and see what is happening in your world. Take advantage of news stories that might tie into one of your items.

Etsy Trends - Be sure to see what the upcoming trends are for Etsy. You can do this with their newsletters or by seeing what is trending in the Treasuries section.

Just do not be static. Being "so yesterday" can have consequences. Try not to be "too tomorrow" though. Try and stay current. Try to stay relevant. Anyone else have anything to add to the list? Post a comment.

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