Etsy Shop Magic Number Of Items

I am sure you have all heard that there is a magic number of items you need in your shop to start making sales on a regular basis. The exact number will vary from shop to shop. For me, the first magic number was 50 items. When I hit that number I started getting sales almost every week.

The second magic number was 100 items. When I hit that goal I started making sales every week without fail. Okay, maybe there was a week or two in there that I did not make a sale but the average was pretty good. Once I hit 200 items I was making a sale every four days on average.

Finally when I managed to get 300 items in my shop my sales average went to a sale every other day on average. I have maintained that average for about four months now. My new goal is to have 400 items in the shop by the end of June. Hopefully that will bring me close to my current goal for the year which is a sale a day on average.

The reasoning behind the magic number theory is simple. If you have a lot to choose from you will make more sales. I get a lot of requests to critique shops for people. I am pretty busy but I do try and at least glance at a shop and give what feedback I can. (I also offer paid consulting at a very reasonable rate which will guarantee my attention)The number one thing I notice the most is shops with only one page of products. You cannot expect to make 20 sales a day if your shop only has 20 items.

The more variety you can offer your customers the better chance you have of getting that sale from them. Now, of course, there are a lot more variables that come into play like photo quality, tags, titles, descriptions, etc. Those are all things that need to be in place as well. There is a wealth of knowledge on all those subjects in this blog. Have a look at the Tag Cloud to the right. Clicking on a word will bring up articles about that subject.

I will talk more on magic numbers tomorrow. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments. Leave them here or send me an email at

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