More About Etsy Titles And Tags

It has come to my attention that some people still do not understand keywords in general. That is okay, this is a very difficult concept to get. Keywords are used in your TITLE, TAGS and DESCRIPTION. The more important the keyword is the more prominent it should be. You should use your most important keywords in the first three words of your TITLE.

Let's use one of my items as an example:

The title of the item is: "Facebook Ad Guide For Etsy Shop Owners" It is short, concise and to the poit and describes exactly what the item is. Anyone typing "Facebook Ad Guide" into Etsy will find my eBook. Typing "Facebook Guide" also brings my item up in search as the very first item after paid search.

Here are my Tags: Everything Else - Educational - facebook guide - facebook ads - fan page - facebook marketing - market my shop - advertising - facebook how to - facebook - social media - tutorial eBook - etsy shop guide - marketing

Here is my description:
Facebook Ad Guide For Etsy Shop Owners - Tutorials by Market My Shop
This easy to use guide will help you to understand and implement a successful Facebook Advertising Campaign. The guide is 10 pages long and has handy images and detailed instructions on how to set up your first Facebook Ad. Start gaining more Facebook Fans immediately.

The PDF eBook will be delivered to your email address associated with Etsy within 24 hours of your purchase. I you would like it emailed to a different address please list it in the notes at time of purchase.

What questions my title may not answer I answer in the description. What keywords I don't use in my title get put in my tags. Anyone searching for exactly what I typed in the title and tags will eventually find me. 

It really is a game of what phrase would you use to find my item. Sit down and think about it for a bit. Write down four or five phrases that you think someone would use to find your item. Type those phrases into the Etsy search and Google and see what you come up with. Also, remember to look at the title and tags of what you find when you search on Etsy, someone else may have a better title and tags!

Hope this clears things up a bit and doesn't confuse further. I will be back tomorrow to talk about photography. Until then please feel free to comment, leave questions or email me:

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