Etsy Checkout Update Labels: direct deposit, etsy checkout, etsy direct checkout, etsy gift certificates | 0 comments»
After being under the weather for a bit, I got super busy. Things have finally slowed down a bit so here I am, back writing about Etsy and such. Etsy recently changed their Direct Checkout from a three day wait to just a one day wait before they deposit your money. That is great news for some of you who need the money for materials and the like. Of course, sometimes you still have to go in and manually schedule your deposit. But it is a start.
Another thing in the works is Etsy Gift Certificates. You have to have Etsy Checkout in your shop to accept them but it might just be worth it to you. One other thing to note, I got a message from Etsy that coming soon, hopefully in October, you'll be able to pay for your shipping out of the Direct Sale. That means that you'll be able to pay with money already owed to you rather than money you may not yet have. This should help those of you on a tight budget.
I will have more info on these topics as my research allows...
In the meantime, while I was under the weather, I managed to meet a couple of exciting goals. First goal was to add 10 new shops to my wholesale accounts. So, while I was sitting on the couch going through Kleenex like there was no tomorrow, I contacted a lot of shops via email. I even set up a "New Shop Special" on my website with a "Buy It Now" button courtesy of PayPal. I ended up with 13 new shops! I always love it when I can exceed my goals!
This week I finally bit the bullet and opened another Etsy shop. I am finally attempting to separate my chainmail from my steampunk to give two much cleaner looking shops. If you have time, click on the above link, check out the shop, favorite and or add me to your circle. I have been contemplating the split for quite some time. Next week I'll share my trials and tribulations in hopes that if you open a second shop you can learn from some of my mistakes ahead of time.
That is all for today. I hope each and every one of you have a wonderfully profitable and happy weekend.
Friday, September 28, 2012 at 7:08 AM
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