Etsy To Offer Gift Certificates

Etsy recently announced that they will be offering Gift Cards. Anyone that has Etsy Direct Checkout is already good to go. It is a code that is going to be entered at the time of checkout. So, we still get paid, just like normal. It will be just like someone paid with a credit card.

The only thing you have to do to be eligible is to have Direct Checkout enabled for your shop. As a way to entice more users to switch, Etsy is paying all the transaction fees for the month of September. That is actually kind of cool in my opinion. I have been using Direct Checkout for a while and my sales have increased dramatically. Sure you have to wait a few days to get paid but you get more sales which means more money.

It has been a busy couple of weeks and it does not look to be letting up for me anytime soon. I will continue to write posts as often as I can manage. In the meantime, let me know what you'd like to learn more about by sending me an email to

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