More On Etsy Direct Checkout

I thought I would give you an update on Etsy Direct Checkout. I have had this up and running on my shop for a few weeks now. In fact, five of my last eight sales were through Direct Checkout. It does take a little while for the money to get into your account. Not a huge issue as long as you have some money for shipping. In my opinion, I do not think I would have gotten those sales had I not been using Direct Checkout. So, for me, it is a good thing.

I sell many of the same items over and over again, so I know exactly what most of my items weigh. It really isn't a problem for me to create a shipping label with a tracking number and mark it as shipped within minutes of an order. This really does two things for me. One, it gets the ball rolling on getting my money from Etsy, and two, it puts me in a great light with my customers for such fast shipping! In the note to the customer I say that their item will be shipped out within 24 hours except on weekends and holidays.

Direct Checkout may not be great for those who create custom items on a regular basis. Especially if you use the money for materials to create it. In those cases it is probably better for you to make sure to set up a custom listing and let them know that it needs to be paid for through PayPal or some other medium.

I hope all of you have a great weekend! I start moving into my Brick and Mortar shop tomorrow. Wish me luck! And always, if you have any questions please leave a comment or email me at I may not answer with an article but I do always try to answer!

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