Meeting Your Goals

Early last month I set a goal for myself. My goal was to have 400 items in my Tangled Metal Etsy Shop. Yesterday at 3:30pm I listed item number 400. It wasn't easy but I made it happen. You have to have a 'make it happen' attitude if you want to meet your goals.

When setting your goals be sure to make your goals reasonable. Do not set a goal that you cannot reach. It will only bring disappointments. Make sure to make your goals specific. Saying 'my goal is to make a lot of money' is very vague and hard to track. A goal of making $500 in the month of August is a specific goal that can be measured.

I have a new goal to have 650 items in my shop by October 1st. I think it is a reasonable goal. I would like to hear about your goals and how you managed to meet them or why you didn't. Leave a comment or send me an email to

As always, my blog is 100% free. People ask me all the time why I do this. When I started Etsy there just wasn't all that much info out there to help me figure it all our. Etsy tends to make their instructions difficult to follow. I wanted to be able to help others by making things easier to understand.

People also ask how I make enough money doing this. The honest answer is I don't. I do sell a Facebook Advertising Guide in my Market My Shop Etsy Shop. I also do a little consulting on a one one one basis. If you are getting something out of this blog and you'd like to 'buy me a drink' or say 'thank you' you can send a gift through PayPal using my email:

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