Daily Etsy Checklists

If you have had a shop on Etsy for any length of time you'll agree that there is plenty to do every day. Of course it is also possible to spend way too much time on Etsy. I try to follow a list of things to do on Etsy to make sure I have a daily presence but don't spend all day lost in Etsy land.

I have not made a treasury in several months. I really should be ashamed of myself. Treasuries are great for building your circle and making new friends and sometimes customers. In my experience, Tuesdays and Thursdays were the best for treasuries. Early morning treasuries seemed to do better than ones in the after noon.

I try and list new items daily. Or if I do not have a new item to list I will renew an item. I do this so that the item has a chance to pop up on people's "Newly Listed" feed view. I generally make several items before I add them to Etsy. I do several listings at once and set them to Draft so that when I want to list one I have several to choose from.

I also post new items to all the teams I am on. Most of the teams I am a member of have a thread just for listing new items. Several people will favorite the items and that shows up in their feeds. That helps get the word out. I also tweet every new listing. Within 10 minutes every new item I list has 15 to 30 views.

I also like to put some of my items on my Facebook Page. This usually gets a little bit more interest for the items. If you'd like to see more about that go "Like" my Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/TangledMetal and you can see some of what I do.

I also do quite a bit of tweaking titles, tags, descriptions and even rotate photos. I try and change things up a little depending on what is trending. I add Mothers's Day or Prom or Spring Fashion and other trending and seasonal descriptions to appropriate items.

All of the above can be done in a couple hours a day by creating a list and prioritization it. Allot specific amounts of time and stick to it. Use a timer if you must. But try and get a little of everything done rather than a lot of one thing and none of another.

That is all for today. More tomorrow. Let me know if you have any questions or comments!

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